Dan Rus Eng

Details for  # 13120005


Surname: KUPRII
Citizenship: Ukraine
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Foreign languages and level (1-5):

English (4)


Preferable work area    (1, 2, 3...): Cattle (1)    Pigs (2)    Poultry (4)    Minks (5)    Plant (6)    Horses (3)    Sheeps (7)    
Machinery experience - kind, total months, level (1-5)

Milking machine - 18 month (5)

Driving licence: No

 Agricultural School/UniversityDepartmentStarted yearGraduation yearSpeciality
1.Vasilevsky collegeveterinary medicine20052009veterinary assistant
2.Sumy National Agrarian Universityveterinary medicine20092014veterinarian

Foreign experience and qualifications:
 YearTotal monthName and type of farmResponsibility
1.201118Denmark. Dairy farm at Højslev 01/10/2011 - 01/04/2013Dairymaid and caring for cows: feeding, milking, examination milk, treatment of mastitis and injuries, caring for calves and etc.

Agricultural practice in Ukraine:
 YearTotal monthName and type of farmResponsibility
1.20084Molochansky pig farmcare and treatment of pigs and piglets, sows insemination, castration of piglets, tusks and tail clipping.
2.20106Stable of Sumy National Agrarian UniversityGrooming of Horses, feeding, cleaning, training.

Marital status: Married
Children: No
Height, weight: 174 cm    62 kg
Smoke: Never
Specific diet: No
Health problems or disability: No
Something about myself:

My family consists of me, husband and dog. Of course I have my father and mother, who support and believe in us. I really wanted to visit Australia for a long time, I think it is a beautiful country.


My hobbies:

I like to ride my bike and listen to music. I like history of my country and make the embroidery. after work I go to the athlete hall with my husband.


What should I like to learn in Denmark:

I want to gain experience working with animals and new people. I want to test myself in a new environment away from home again.


What are my dreams for the future:

I want to live in own house with a large garden on the outskirts of the city, working in my veterinary pharmacy and enjoy of the own life.


What should I do with money earned in Denmark:

I want with my husband to make the dream a reality.



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